
Huddlehumans Founder Viaano Spruyt’s Interview with Channel News Asia 🍎

Our Founder, Viaano Spruyt, was recently featured on Channel News Asia’s Money Mind with Stanley Leong and Tay Soo Sien to share about why he started Huddlehumans.​ During this snippet video, Viaano shares about why he started Huddlehumans back in 2017, and why his only focus is to follow his dream in enacting social change […]

Huddlehumans Founder Viaano Spruyt’s Interview with Channel News Asia 🍎 Read More »

Sleep ≠ Rest 💤

Our core understanding of resting requires a fresh coat of paint. We have long identified feeling not well-rested with not enough sleep. But sleep is just a type of rest amongst many others. You can have 8 hours of sleep consistently every night and still feel exhausted all the time. This is because there are

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Is Social Media affecting your Mental Health NEGATIVELY? 🤳

We have heard it time and time again. ‘Humans are social creatures’. ‘Humans need social connection and companionship to thrive and progress in life’. Research have shown that being socially connected with other people can alleviate stress, worries, and anxiety, amongst others. On the contrary, lack of social connection can introduce setbacks to our mental

Is Social Media affecting your Mental Health NEGATIVELY? 🤳 Read More »

Why Grief Is Important 💀

Grief is a series of unpleasant and uncomfortable reactions to loss. It is a process that is inevitable in every human life and it comes in many different forms such as the loss of a pet, a loved one, our livelihoods or a relationship. The reactions that we have are personalised based on our culture

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Why is self-regulation important for our Mental Health? 😵

Self-regulation allows us to manage our behaviours, emotions, and thoughts. This will enable us to manage disruptive emotions, thoughts and impulses whilst pursuing our long-term goals. Research has shown that self-regulation is a crucial element to having good mental health. By evaluating our emotional responses and making a more conscious decision on how to respond

Why is self-regulation important for our Mental Health? 😵 Read More »